Business Analytics: From Data to Insights

Unlock business success with data-driven decision making

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Who Is This Program For?

The Business Analytics program is designed to give participants an understanding of how to look at data and identify insights, improve their ability to make long-term predictions, and prescribe future actions to help make better business decisions.

The program is ideal for:

C-suite executives looking to keep pace with current trends, use business analytics as a strategic advantage, and make more data-backed decisions.

Mid- to senior-level managers looking to learn how analytics can help improve performance within their functional area while impacting business and growing in their roles.

Analysts who want to understand the business implications of analytics, better equip themselves to draw business relevant insights, and grow in their career.

Consultants seeking to offer better insights to their clients that are based on the latest ideas in business analytics, and learn structured approaches of problem solving through analytics.

  • Account Managers

  • CEOs

  • Executive Directors

  • Product Managers

  • Assistant Directors

  • Chief Marketing Officers

  • Financial Analysts

  • Business Analysts

  • CIOs

  • Vice Presidents

  • Consultant

  • Project Manager

  • Operations Manager

  • Business Development Manager

  • Finance Director

Your Learning Experience

Wharton Business Analytics Programs - Real World Examples
Real-World Examples

Delivered through a combination of video and live online lectures

Wharton Business Analytics Program - Application to Data Sets
Applications to Data Sets

Learn through individual assignments and feedback

Wharton Business Analytics Program - learnings
Debrief of Learnings

Delivered through a combination of recorded and live video lectures

Wharton Business Analytics Programs - Live Teaching Sessions
4 Live Teaching Sessions by Wharton Faculty
Wharton Business Analytics Programs - Data Analytics Simulation
1 Data Analytics Simulation
Wharton Business Analytics Program - Frameworks

Delivered via video lectures

Program Modules

Methods and Tools

Data Collection Methods

  • Descriptive Data Collection: Surveys, Net Promoter Score (NPS), and Self-Reports

  • Passive Data Collection

  • Media Data Collection: Radio, Television, Mobile, etc.

A/B Testing

Correlation and Causation


  • Objective and Subjective

  • Strand or Seasonal Variation

  • Exponential Smoothing

  • Descriptive Statistics

  • Trends and Seasonality

  • New Product

Regression Analysis

Simulation Toolkit

  • Analysis ToolPak

  • Solver Optimization Tool

Data Visualization and Interpretation

Optimization Models

Decision Trees

Industry Examples

Wharton Business Analytics Program - Starbucks


How is Starbucks identifying which customers to give deals to in order to maximize return on investment (RoI)?

Wharton Business Analytics Program - American Express

American Express

How does American Express use social media data to predict whether you are going to give up your American Express card?

Wharton Business Analytics Program - Netflix


How is Netflix using metadata tagging to know what you watch and to create relevant content?

Wharton Business Analytics Program - retail


Why were stores either selling out of Time magazine or only selling a small fraction of their inventory?

Wharton Business Analytics Program - Apparel


How has Kohl's been using analytics for smartphone targeting?

Wharton Business Analytics Program - Technology


How could Amazon potentially ship before you buy?

Program Faculty

Wharton Business Analytics Program Faculty -Christopher D Ittner
Christopher D. Ittner

Faculty Director, EY Professor of Accounting; Chairperson, Accounting Department

Wharton Business Analytics Program Faculty - Peter Fader
Peter Fader

Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor; Professor of Marketing

Wharton Business Analytics Program Faculty - Raghuram Iyengar
Raghuram Iyengar

Miers-Busch, W’1885 Professor, Professor of Marketing; Faculty Director, Wharton Customer Analytics (WCA)

Wharton Business Analytics Program Faculty -Senthil Veeraraghavan
Senthil Veeraraghavan

Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

Wharton Business Analytics Program Faculty - Sergei Savin
Sergei Savin

Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

Wharton Business Analytics Program  Faculty - Ron Berman
Ron Berman

Assistant Professor of Marketing

WH-BA-Noah Gans-faculty
Noah Gans

Anheuser-Busch Professor of Management Science

Wharton Business Analytics Program Faculty -Eric Bradlow
Eric Bradlow

The K. P. Chao Professor; Professor of Marketing; Vice Dean, Analytics at Wharton; Chairperson, Wharton Marketing Department; Professor of Economics; Professor of Education; Professor of Statistics, The Wharton School

Wharton Business Analytics Program Faculty -Matthew Bidwell
Matthew Bidwell

Associate Professor of Management

Earn a Certificate from Wharton

Earn a Certificate from Wharton

Earn a digital Wharton certificate upon successful completion of the online program.

All certificate images are for illustrative purposes only and may be subject to change at the discretion of the Wharton School.


Have Questions?

Email: We attempt to respond to queries in 24 hours or less. However, over weekends and holidays, our responses may take up to 72 hours.